There are two kinds of stretch ceilings: PVC ceilings SWALline and polyester canvas ceilings SWALtex.
It's difficult to make a choice once we wish to renovate our ceiling. There are numerous offers and the stretch ceiling is still a solution to explore, in spite of 40 years of existence on the French market. The stretch ceiling offers multiple advantages compared to a traditional solution: it gives the ceiling originality.
The cold fitting stretch ceiling SWALtex is made of a coated polyester canvas, tensioned with the system of rails with clips Clip SWAL. This kind of ceiling is indicated to the renovation projects and refurbishment of interior spaces. It exists in two different shades: optical white, for a maximum reflection of luminosity, and natural white, for an effect of a ceiling in drywall impeccably done. There are also in acoustic stretch ceiling or printed canvas.
The PVC stretch ceiling SWALline is a reference in stretch ceilings. It's highly appreciated by architects and designers for its aspect satin-like or brilliant. The ceilings in PVC membrane enlarges the volume and surfaces in addition to decorate, like no other material. It allows to play with the colours as it exists in many colours, dyed in its material.